Resources for Spiritual Direction and Retreat
compiled by
William C. Mills
Spiritual direction, or
often referred to as spiritual companioning or
accompaniment is when someone other than a friend, such
as a pastor or trained lay person shares the walk of
faith with you. They listen to your story, offer gentle
guidance and direction, and will pray for and with you.
Individual or group retreats
are time away from the busy routines of family, work,
and routine. Retreats are a time away for reflection,
rest, and prayer. Individuals or groups go to retreat
centers that provide time for reflection, a chapel for
prayer, and food for the body. Some retreat centers
offer directed retreats whereby a retreat leader guides
the group in a particular theme such as Scriptural
reflections on the gospels, the role and purpose of
prayer, or on a similar topic. Other retreat centers
offer a guided one to one retreat while others just
provide the space and the group provides their own
retreat leader. Some retreats are non-directed which
means that you use the time and space as you deem
Spiritual Direction:
Spiritual Directors
Retreat Centers:
Roman Catholic Monasteries
Roman Catholic Retreat
Houses /hermitages.hmtl
Orthodox Monasteries
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